Business un-usual in April/May/June 2020
The links to documents below are recent as per 2nd April, 2020.
If you have or are aware of more up-to-date information, please email us.
Listed below:
Dangar Island Depot
King Tide Cafe
Brooklyn Servicves & Businesses
Brooklyn Ferry Services
Hawkesbury River Water Taxi
Mitre 10 Kincumber - deliveries
Mitre 10
I to offer my delivery service to water access only residants on the Hawkesbury river and Pittwater.
Any order purchased over the phone or online at Kincumber Mitre 10 can be delivered on Fridays.
All product must be single person load and unload max 20kg per unit and picked up from the Dangar Island ferry whalf.
Specialising in hardware, paint, building materials, bulk sanitizer, garden pots and plants plus bagged soil and potting mixes.
Customer can purchase over the phone or online and organise delivery through Kincumber Mitre 10.
Please note: The only delivery day available is Fridays.
Phone: 02 4368 3866